Wednesday, January 6, 2010

I cant figure out how to download extra maps in TF2?

My friend said to just click on it and it will download itself but it just said that I don't have the map and it disconnects!I cant figure out how to download extra maps in TF2?
You're trying to download the map off of the server right?

Some servers don't have the distribution set up correctly, or they just don't do it.

You are going to have to find the map elsewhere.

FPSBanana has a lot of maps, you can search for it there.

When you download a map, it will most likely be in a .ZIP or .RAR

Use Winzip, Winrar, 7zip, any unzipping/raring program to extract the contents.

So you would then have a .BSP file.

Example, ctf_orange_v2.bsp

Take that and place it in

C://Program Files/Steam/steamapps/Account name here/team fortress 2/tf/maps

Then you're set to go!I cant figure out how to download extra maps in TF2?

that will probably explain it best.

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