Saturday, December 26, 2009

How am i supposed to figure out what i want to do with my life?

i'm a senior in high school this year and i don't know what i want to do once i graduate. i don't have any real talents that i can think of. i'm interested in art and music, but you can't really make a good career out of those. how am i supposed to figure it out?How am i supposed to figure out what i want to do with my life?
The BEST way to figure out this answer is to ask yourself this theoretical question:

If you were a MULTIMILLIONAIRE and all of your FINANCIAL needs were taken care of (i.e. House, car, living expenses), WHAT would you want to DO with yourself EVERYDAY? What would give you fulfillment if money was NOT an issue?

Find that answer and then find a WAY of pursuing it! Also taking a CAREER TEST might help!How am i supposed to figure out what i want to do with my life?
Go to college. You'll fit in fine. Most college students still don't know what they want to be.
Don't worry too much about not having any answers yet. Most people your age go through the same thing. If you're not sure about college or what career you should have don't go just because it's ';expected'; of you. I'm 48 yrs old and sometimes I still wonder if I'm using my talents to the fullest. If you're a spiritual person, pray, search God's word and get counsel from an older person in your church whom you admire. If you think you may go to college but you're not sure this is what you want, then try and figure out what you're interested in and get out in the workforce and try a few jobs to see if some of your interests turn into skills or talents. Good luck and God Bless!
One of the best things you can do right now is to just go to college for your Basic Education credits. That'll give you some more time to really think about what you want, while you're in college. Another great thing to do is to join a lot of clubs and student groups. It doesn't have to be a group centered around Art and Music just because you like those a little more. You can branch out! That's the best part about college! Join a Math club, some kind of Science club, a Carpentry club, an intramural sport- like women's weightlifting. You create your limits in college!

I've never taken a Chorus class before, and although I am strong instrumentally, I emailed the chorus teacher at my local community college and asked her if I could join the class! Not because I want to dedicate my life to singing, but because I thought it would be something different for me to try and have fun with.

I'm still trying to decide what I want to do in college... so you're not alone. I just graduated high school this past June, I'm 19, and I am completely clueless when it comes to my future- but I'm branching out... I'm giving myself a little more options. You should too. :)
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