Wednesday, December 30, 2009

What are some words we can't figure out how we want to spell?

E.g. rainbow sherbet. Or is it rainbow sherbert? Or is it rainbow sorbet? Why can't we just settle on one spelling? What's the problem?What are some words we can't figure out how we want to spell?
Moonlit, Moonlight

Candlelit, candlelight

Amour, Amor

Grate, great

Abel, able


Ads, adz

Ascent, assent

Dew, due

Dam, damn

Haunted, hunted

Heart, hart

Handsome, hansom

Hale, hail

Madam. madame

Deer, dear

Decease, disease

Maize, maze

Haunch, hunch

Magnate, magnet

Maine, maneWhat are some words we can't figure out how we want to spell?
For me dear, it's the ones that are pronounced ebonically.

Such as: spehgehetti, lazonia, adress, puposefully, viceareal, guidence, cachchup, incessively, magnketize, and Massechusettes.

I do not need correction on these words, for I know how to spell them now after looking them up incisively.

Spaghetti, lazania, address, purposefully, visceral, guidance, catchup incisively, magnetize, and Massachusetts. See what I mean ?
It's sherbet.

There's no such word as sherbert; it's just a mispronunciation of sherbet.

And sorbet is an entirely different word.

I have trouble spelling giraffe and terrific. Always have to go back and change the number of f's and r's.
Donut. Or doughnut. Or donot.

Hilight. Or highlight.

Shanklish. Or shankleesh. Or shunkleesh. And for those of you that have never heard of it, it's Syrian/Arabic moldy cheese.
The American and British 'spellings'... Eg:

Organize vs Organise

Meter vs Metre

Most redundant...
Color, colour.

Favor, Favour.

Behavior, behaviour.

Gray/Grey annoys the hell out of me
hiccup vs hiccough

color vs colour

poser vs poseur
I know I've had a hard time spelling statistics for years.

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