Saturday, December 26, 2009

If I can skate in figure skates, will I be able to skate in Hockey Skates?

I signed up for hockey, but have never even attempted skating with hockey skates. I am a good skater on figure skates (by no means a figure skater though), and I'm wondering if there is a totally different technique used in hockey skates or if the concept in the same.

Any help is greatly appreciated.If I can skate in figure skates, will I be able to skate in Hockey Skates?
You should have no problem adapting to ice hockey skates. Lots of hockey players have trained in figure skating to better their skating abilities and some figure skaters are or were pretty good hockey players. Kurt Browning for one. World champion figure skater was also a good hockey player. Enjoy!If I can skate in figure skates, will I be able to skate in Hockey Skates?
There's a few elements that will change but the idea of balance will be the same. The small elements of change are you don't have the grooves in the front of the blades and you don't have the extention in the back so you can't lean backwards. Goodluck.
Yes, they are just a little heavier and don't have the toe brake. other than that you should be good. You won't be doing any figure skating moves in hockey skates though.
There's almost no difference, and you'll adapt to the changes quickly.

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